Generally the lender will require the client to have a homeowner policy in force at the moment of closing the operation. Besides, it could also be required to present a copy of the policy as well as the page where the total amount for the coverage is stated. Another requirement could be to designate the entity beneficiary of the loss. It is not an obligation to get insurance that will be recommended by the lender, but if there is no coverage in force, the lender institution will hire a policy for that coverage, and this could be more expensive. The lender is always protected and gets paid first if there is a loss.
Regarding the prices, these are good options to compare the different products offered by the companies on the market. In order to ask for a budget, the agencies will ask to provide them with the description of the housing, complete address, materials which it is made of, how many floors the house has, how old it is, quantity of rooms and coverage, among others.
This information is relevant for the company since the cost of the homeowners insurance will depend on the type of construction, location and amount of the hired coverage. There are many agencies that will charge less for assuring new housing instead of an old one, because the modern buildings are less probable to suffer damages from storms and fire. The location will determine if the area is considered a problematic one, due to statistics regarding vandalism and delinquency. Also the location of the housing will affect the total cost of the coverage since some communities have better protection from fire than others. The insurance companies divide the regions in different classified territories.
The contract of any type of insurance is a financial investment, therefore, as in any other payable transaction, it is important to take the necessary time to do some research and to clear up all the doubts before assuming a compromise. It is very useful to take into consideration the previous experiences of people in which we trust, since in this field it is very important to rely on references.
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